The final version (v2.0) of the ExaMode ontology is available in Zenodo: and the documentation is available here:
Semestrial meeting in Padua
đź—“ Dates: 24-25/01/2023

Gianmaria Silvello invited speaker for the second Swetaly workshop on AI (16.09.2022) described ExaMode and the latest advancements of the project
The ExaMode results on “training computer-aided diagnosis models without human annotations” are on a spotlight on the Nature Health Portfolio!
“Unleashing the potential of digital pathology data by training computer-aided diagnosis models without human annotations” is out on Digital Medicine (gold  open access).
A new digital terminology open access book
Digital terminology: design, representation and management
The ExaMode project sponsored the open access publication of the new book:〝 Terminologie numérique : conception, représentation et gestion 〞 authored by Federica Vezzani, PhD.
Publication info:
Training Biomedical Relation Extraction Models with a Limited amount of Annotated Data
Reducing the Costs to Extract Medical Knowledge

In this blog post we talk about the use of Biomedical Relation Extraction (BioRE) models to speed up and reduce the costs of populating curated databases. How can BioRE models be trained with limited amounts of annotated data? What advantages can such an approach provide? Are there any downsides?
The latest ExaMode ontology version is available
The latest version of the ExaMode ontology (v0.9) is now available on our website.

The new ontology includes new topological classes, named individuals, and fixes on the structure of the ontology and properties. The affected diseases were: colon carcinoma, lung carcinoma, and uterine cervix carcinoma.
ExaMode at the MARVEL Dataweek 2022 Workshop
ExaMode will be presented by Manfredo Atzori at the 2022 edition of the Marvel Dataweel Workshop.
Data Week is the spring gathering of the European Big Data and Data Driven AI research and innovation communities. In Data Week, the participants share knowledge and results, discuss topics of common interest, find synergies, build new collaborations and identify new challenges and recommendations. Data Week also links the communities and their results to the European policies and market needs and brings European initiatives and activities closer to local communities.
MARVEL will organize a special session entitled “The challenges of the extreme-scale multi-modal analytics applications” as part of the DataWeek2022 on May 25, 2022, 13:30-15:00 CET. The session will be conducted online, and its total duration will be 1hr 30m.
This session explores the latest EU research outcomes related to Extreme Data Analytics applications in a variety of sectors and environments and focuses on the key challenges addressed in each sector related to AI methodologies and algorithms, Data Management and orchestration, federation of data experimentation infrastructures, and ecosystems. Ways each project addressed those challenges or ways they are planning to address them are going to be presented in combination with some brainstorming for common areas of interest. The audience will have the opportunity to participate, raise their concerns as well as provide suggestions for tackling those challenges.
The Session will focus on the following topics
• AI and Data challenges on specific sectors (verticals)
• Federation of data experimentation infrastructures and ecosystems

More information about the event can be found here.
ExaMode and yourTerm
ExaMode with just formally started a collaboration on Computational Pathology terminology.
Check it out at their website.